nothing really happens...
Why cant I possess you- With all my love that I can offer you inturn? Why cant I love you- With all my heart and self? Why cant I tell you That I miss you and spend sleepless nights thinking about u? You never looked back after you said goodbye tonight Not even a peck on cheek; before you left me to be alone again to face the endless monotony of life, of worthlessness: where nothing really happens. Why do you do this? Don’t you realize that nobody can love you more than I do May be I am not pure and innocent anymore But does that really make a difference? May be not the role of a patient listener tonight But of a passionate lover. Gift me for the last time- the world of sacred mirages. Just let me live in the world of illusions That would anyways crumble and fall apart when you run out of patience- Slap me and wake me up or let me live in your arms just for just for a moment that will be my eternity… I promise you no more insanities, no more insecurities Just let me hold you. Look a...